Common Crops Grown In Greenhouses

Greenhouses are also commonly used to nurture plants that will eventually grow in the garden or for fruits and vegetables that luxuriate in the consistent heat that a greenhouse provides.

Common Vegetable Greenhouse Crops

You can easily grow most vegetables and herbs using a greenhouse, but some of the more commonly grown vegetables are:

Commonly grown flowers & bedding plants

They provide the perfect environment for plants to establish themselves before being put into a more permanent position in your garden. Pretty much any type of plant can be grown in a greenhouse, so if you’re finding any of your flowers are struggling to grow when left outside, simply bring them into your greenhouse and there’s a good chance they’ll thrive!

  • Pansies
  • Geraniums and Pelargoniums - can flower almost all year with the protection of a greenhouse
  • Sweetpeas

Unusual Things Grown In Greenhouses

Whilst there are plenty of more traditional things that you’d expect to grow in your greenhouse, there are also a number of unusual crops that you may want to consider growing. Here are just a few of our favourites:

  • Cucamelons - also known as mouse melons, are a fantastic and more unusual addition to any greenhouse. These small fruits are the size of a large grape or olive, but have an uncanny resemblance to watermelons. They are extremely easy to grow, given the right conditions.
  • Tea - once you have seeds that have sprouted, you should move your tea plant into a sunny spot to enhance the growing process. They thrive in spots that are warm and receive direct sunlight all day, therefore a greenhouse environment offers an ideal place for tea plants to grow.
  • Melons - extremely difficult to grow outside in the UK, but the conditions offered by greenhouses enable them to thrive. They require plenty of heat and humidity to grow, making them perfect for growing in your greenhouse!
  • Succulents - greenhouses offer the perfect environment for succulents to continue growing throughout the winter, especially given how cold it gets in the UK during these months.
  • Luffas (Loofah) - The sponges you find in bathrooms can be grown in greenhouses. They are in fact vegetables, a distant relative to squashes and cucumbers. Greenhouses provide the ideal environment for them to grow as they need 150 to 200 warm days to ripen.
  • Carnivorous plants - These fascinating plants can thrive in a greenhouse. These plants are particularly popular with children so it is a good way to get them involved with gardening too.
  • Alpines - are hardy and versile plants one they are established. A greenhouse is a great place for young alpines to develop for transplanting later on. Read Sue Simpson’s story on how she uses her Rhino Greenhouse to grow Alpines.