Frequently asked questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
We've carefully curated some of our most pouplar frequently asked questions below. But if you aren't able to find the answer you're looking for, you can get in touch with us on 0800 694 1929 or email sales@greenhousesdirect.co.uk
General Queries
Whether you're looking for when our sale ends, what is covered in our guarantee or how to request one of our wonderful brochures you'll be able to find the answers below.
The final balance is due approximately 2 weeks prior to delivery. By which time you'll have a delivery date!
It depends on the sale, please contact the team using sales@greenhousesdirect.co.uk for more information
Once you have secured your order with a 10% deposit, we will hold the price of your greenhouse for up to 6 months (or until delivery, whichever is first).
Check out our come and see us section for more information.
You can request a free brochure here.
More information can be obtained by contacting our friendly team on sales@greenhousesdirect.co.uk or calling 0800 694 1929
The glass provided with the Rhino range of greenhouses is 4mm toughened safety glass which is much stronger than horticultural glass. However, there are a number of reasons outside of our control why the glass might break. In the unlikely event of a breakage, this is not covered by our guarantee.
Site Preparation
If you have any questions about how to prepare your base or fix the greenhouse to your base just read below.
We have a handy guide designed to help whittle down the choices. You can read our base options blog here.
You can find more information on how to prepare a base for your greenhouse here.
Yes, your greenhouse is glazed from the outside and it is ideal to leave a space of about 2ft around your greenhouse. This will also help with any cleaning or maintenance which maybe required at a later date.
If you are preparing a brick plinth using 102mm bricks. More information can be found in our base plans.
Each of our Rhino greenhouses are anchored down by the ground anchors and fixings supplied with the greenhouse.
4 corner anchors are supplied as standard and for any greenhouse 8ft long and over an additional 2x L shape side anchors are supplied.
Rhino Queries
Whether you have a question about our toughened safety glass, how to make your greenhouse safe in a storm or how to use your window locks, we have the answers below.
Yes, our solar-powered roof vents will automatically open at a set temperature.
In strong winds, it is best to dis-engage the cylinders and engage the roof vent locks. Here is a brief list of what you need to do when you want to lock your roof vents. The roof vent openers need to be de-activated BEFORE you lock your roof vents. Locking the roof vents without this could cause damage to your auto openers and potentially damage your roof vents.
- Remove the pin from the auto vent
- Once pin is removed, lift the roof vent up slightly so that the cylinder drops out of the black cup
- Unscrew the cylinder
- Repeat on all other openers
- Now you can lock them down to help prevent damage
- Keep cylinders stored in a cool place until needed, cool in fridge before refitting
- Remember to slide locks up out of the way when refitting cylinders
- If you have difficulties removing the cylinder you could remove the bracket from the vent cross bar so the opener is not connected to the frame on the window sill (vent cross bar) the bracket will need re-fitting once ready for the openers to start working.
Lets face it, as we live in the UK storms are likely! We've written a great guide around how to keep your Rhino secure in a storm.
We've written a handy guide on the best way to insulate your greenhouse. Hint... it may involve bubble wrap!
For maximum strength and safety we use 4mm toughened safety glass on all our Rhino greenhouses.
Yes, while the 4mm toughened safety glass is much stronger than standard horticultural glass, it can still break. In the unlikely event a of a breakage, we can provide replacement panes.
As with any item left outdoors like cars, furniture and lights, there may be a small amount of colour change over time. We work closely with our paint partners to help ensure that any colour change is minimal and please note that this does not affect the performance of the product.
Regular cleaning and polishing will help to maintain the life of the colour. For non-painted greenhouses, you can expect to see some natural colour change and blooming over time.
We have a handy guide on how to carry out regular maintenance. But you'll also need to check fixings throughout your greenhouse periodically, or after a severe storm. Clear any debris from gutters & downpipes. Clean your greenhouse at least once a year with warm soapy water (refer to greenhouse cleaning guide on website). Spray automatic roof vent openers with 3 in 1 oil or similar to prevent them seizing.
All Rhinos are aluminium greenhouses. The use of aluminium ensures that Rhinos stand tall and stable in the face of many a storm, providing their 25 year guarantee.
If you are moving and want to take your greenhouse with you, you can. In order to do this you'll need to detach the automatic openers from the roof vents. This will allow you to slide the roof vents off. Next the doors will need to be slid off, to do this you will first have to remove the door stops which are located on the door posts. You then need to remove the door support which attaches to the top of the door track and at the eave/gutter.
Once the doors and vents are removed you can then deglaze, you can remove the beads carefully with long nose pliers and a flat edge screwdriver, alternatively you can Stanley knife down the centre of the bead and pull the beads out and buy a new set of beads for when you re-build, please contact service@greenhousesdirect.co.uk for a quote. Once deglazed you can then remove your roof sections, once the roof is dismantled you can then take the four sections apart by undoing the base plates and fixings.
Did you know our Rhino greenhouses are available as a DIY product and with installation?
Yes, we can provide contact details of own independent, recommended greenhouse installers, along with a note of the installation tariff for your greenhouse. Please note, installation of accessories may come with an additional charge.
Your greenhouse is supplied with a comprehensive set of instructions, which include diagrams, descriptions and links to some videos. The Service Team are on hand Monday to Friday to assist with installation queries. We can also provide details of independent greenhouse installers should you wish to contact them to arrange installation of your greenhouse.
Accessory Queries
Got any questions about our greenhouse accessories? You'll find the answers below.
Our integral staging is designed to run the full length of your Rhino greenhouse to ensure a really strong work area.
On 8ft and above, the staging is made up of multiple slats, comprising of 2ft-long slats at each end and 4ft/6ft slats in the middle depending on the length of your greenhouse. When fitted, they form a continuous length of staging.
The integral staging can only fit down the full length of your Rhino greenhouse, for the rear we have slatted shelves & free-standing staging available to order.
Yes, all of our greenhouse accessories can be added at a later date. So rest assured you won't be missing out!
The Rhino 10” wide slatted shelves require a ‘gap’ larger than the shelf. For example, a 6ft shelf requires an 8ft ‘gap’ as it fixes to three intermediate glazing bars. You can fit multiple shelves next to each other, however, the total length of the shelves still needs to be less than your greenhouse. For example, two 10”x4’ shelves can be fitted side by side in the 10ft length of your greenhouse.
The Rhino roof blinds are fitted to a bracket which pushes on to the ridge, from either end of your greenhouse. The Rhino side blinds are on a bracket which fixes to the outside edge of your gutter.
The roof blinds are pulled down using a ‘reach pole’ and clip just under the eave of your greenhouse. When you are ready to roll them back up to the ridge, just release the clip and they will slowly retract to the ridge of your greenhouse. The side blinds can be pulled down and secured just under the base of your greenhouse.
To make sure your heater can efficiently heat your greenhouse you will need to work out the area (in square feet) of your greenhouse. Each of the heaters on our website then details the area they can keep frost free, and the area they can heat. You can find out more information on our greenhouse heaters here.
To fix this, you'll just need to adjust the tension on the blinds' spring. Follow these instructions to adjust the spring tension for your roof and side blinds.
Spare Parts Queries
Did you know you can purchase most of our spare parts online?
Each vent is fitted with a cylinder filled with synthetic wax. As it heats up the wax expands pushing the vent open. As it cools down, it contracts and closes the vent.
If the cylinder is not moving at all and is stuck, spray with WD40 or similar, this can sometimes free the piston rod tube and the cylinder will start to work.
To check your cylinder, if you remove the hair pin which is holding the cylinder in the black cup. You can then lift the roof vent slightly, the cylinder will drop out of the cup, you can then unscrew the cylinder from the opening arm. This allows you to then test the cylinder.
If you submerge the cylinder into a hot jug of water, there is a wax inside the cylinder, when the wax feels heat it expands which pushes out the piston rod. If the piston rod expands in the heat, you will need to then cool it back down in the fridge for half an hour. Ensure the piston rod is fully home in the closed position, it can then be reconnected, it will then start to open as soon as the temperature rises.
If however the piston rod does not move/expand, this will mean that the cylinder is no longer working. The Bayliss openers carry a two year warranty, if your bayliss opener is within the warranty, please call or email us for next steps.
If the cylinder is stuck and the piston will not move, spray with WD40, sometimes the piston requires some lubricant to allow the piston to move in the cylinder.
To check your automatic opener, if you remove the hair pin which is holding the black cylinder in place. You can then unscrew the black cylinder from the opening arm. This allows you to then test the black cylinder.
If you submerge the black cylinder into a hot jug of water, there is a wax inside the cylinder, when the wax feels heat it expands which pushes out the piston rod. If the piston rod expands in the heat, you will need to then cool it back down in the fridge for half an hour. Ensure the piston rod is fully home in the closed position, it can then be reconnected, it will then start to open as soon as the temperature rises.
If however the piston rod does not move/expand, this will mean that the cylinder is no longer working.
If your cylinder is no longer covered under the two year warranty, you can purchase a replacement black cylinder on our website.
You can purchase replacement glass panes on our website. However, if you have any concerns or queries please feel free to get in touch with our friendly team.
Please contact service@greenhousesdirect.co.uk with your name, delivery address, and a list of the parts you require.