Whilst most varieties of potatoes can go in during April, early varieties such as ‘Rocket’ can go out towards the end of March if the weather is mild. It’s a good idea to ‘chit’ them first on a sunny windowsill or in the greenhouse. Don’t forget that potatoes grow well in grow bags as well, so space shouldn’t be a problem.
Whilst this may not be the time of year you are thinking about autumn and winter vegetables, in gardening you always need to be thinking ahead! Now is the perfect time of year to sow pumpkin seeds and with so many varieties available you can take your pick of sizes from gigantic competition sizes to smaller squashes you can grow in pots. Sow them in the greenhouse and make it easy with a potting pal!
Growing your own herbs really couldn't be easier however much space you have. Try all of the kitchen favourites such as parsley, mint and basil along with coriander, oregano and thyme to keep you in a plentiful supply and your cooking tasty. Don’t forget to keep on harvesting your herbs to encourage new growth, and water them when needed to keep them healthy.