Summer on the allotment is proving to be weedy! In fact I have the most weeds I've had in years because I didn't mulch my no dig beds as an experiment this year. The sun and then rain has brought them out in force so I will always remember the summer of 2023 to be the year of weeding. I am very much of the opinion that a weed is just a plant growing where it’s not wanted and mostly that’s in cultivated beds. However when I weed I do try to practice removing negative thoughts as I remove each weed - I literally compost the thoughts just as I discard the weeds. It’s a great wellbeing practice.
So apart from keeping on top of weeding and watering when needed, there is still plenty to be doing in the garden during the mid summer months.
Pinch out the side shoots from your tomatoes so the energy goes into producing flowers and therefore more fruits and once you see four formed trusses, remove the growing tip. Don’t forget to keep your eye out for early blight by checking the foliage for brown/black areas. If it’s only slight remove the affected leaves to try and stop the spread.
The harvests are really picking up especially the leafy greens and an abundance of herbs. Courgettes are swelling and beans are climbing along with cucumbers and tomatoes just about ready to harvest as well. I often forget to take into consideration how long it can take to harvest and prepare the food I have grown, and it’s so important to enjoy every step of growing food and cut flowers so immerse yourself in gratitude for the harvests and enjoy being in the garden.
Sow lettuce, turnips, radishes and plant out winter cabbages during July. Successional sowing doesn’t have stop just yet and if you keep on sowing for a few weeks longer, you’ll be cropping into late summer and early autumn.
Keep on deadheading your bedding plants and cut flowers to keep them flowering for as long as possible and give them some organic feed if needed.
If you are growing in containers, keep on top of watering and feeding so they don’t dry out and stay thriving all summer.
So, apart from the weeds… happy July!